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TEA Curriculum Update
Staff from the Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division at TEA will share the latest curriculum updates, including updates on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), recent action taken by the State Board of Education, and information regarding graduation requirements and other curriculum-related programs.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
Data Dance: Mining and Reporting for Maximum Impact!
Join us for an empowering training session designed to strengthen the knowledge of migrant staff in navigating the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) system and its reports. Explore how MSIX reports can be your ally in seamless coordination and collaboration with other states, school staff, and parents. Get ready to acquire valuable skills to uncover new opportunities through strategic data mining using MSIX reports. Let's make learning an engaging and enriching experience together!
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
Digital Resources to Support Migratory Parents and Families
Migratory parents are always looking for resources to help support their children’s education. This session will provide an overview of the following digital resources available to support migratory parents and families:
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024
Texas Migrant Education Program (TMEP) Portal – This includes online resources specifically for parents and families.
Education Resources for Parents of K-12 Migratory Children – This includes literacy resources for home use.
AIIMS (Assisting Interstate/Intrastate Mobile Students) Portal – Introduction of new section on parents and families
Bring your device! Participants will have time to explore resources available at the portals.
Participants will also be encouraged to bookmark sites, create an account for the Education Resources portal, and join the listserv to stay up-to-date on new content and developments. -
What You Need To Know: FAFSA / TASFA 2024-25 and beyond
Practioners will walk away with updates surrounding the 2024-25 FAFSA and TASFA. Additionally, we will discuss what we've learned since the FAFSA and TASFA opened in late December 2023 and how to best implement best practices moving forward.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
High School Equivalency Program FREE GED Services
Our program provides English and Spanish General Educational Development (GED) instructional services to agricultural and seasonal farmworkers.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
Utilizing Data to Increase Inter/Intrastate Coordination: The Importance of TX-NGS and MSIX
During this session, attendees will delve into the significance of having clear, precise, and timely data in the identification and support of migratory students moving across Texas and other states. The presenters will examine the impact of accurate data entry on the usability of student records within TX-NGS and MSIX. Furthermore, the session will explore reports that can enhance the effectiveness of Identification and Recruitment (ID&R) efforts and services. Explore how our state and national databases can become invaluable tools in the service of migratory children and youth.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
Taking the Next Steps with the AIIMS Portal
The AIIMS portal is an interactive online resource created to assist MEP staff in implementing their program and ensure continuity in the educational support of migratory students.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024
Join us for an overview of the portal and how it can be utilized to support migratory families and staff.
Participants will have time to explore sections and contribute to meaningful improvements to the Parents & Families section. -
Using IDRC's Student and Family Learning Portal
We have a lot of engaging resources for students, families, and teachers on our IDRC Student and Family Learning Portal. Join this session to learn how to incorporate this helpful tool into your efforts with Migrant Families.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
The Critical Role of the MEP in the Transferring and Accruing of High School Credits for Graduation
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) has a crucial role in supporting migratory students and their accrual of credits toward high school graduation. The presenter will discuss interstate and intrastate coordination and the role State and local MEP staff play in assisting in the accrual of credits through consolidating coursework taken by migratory students in various schools both in State and out of State. The presenter will discuss with participants their use of the Migrant Student Information Exchange (MSIX) for enrollment, placement and credit accrual, their interactions with the Texas and Florida Interstate Migrant Programs, and their utilization of distance learning coursework to promote high school credit accrual.
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024 -
Panel de discusión del PAC para migrantes de Texas / Texas Migrant PAC Panel Discussion
Esta sesión está dirigida a padres migratorios y se llevará a cabo en español. Los miembros del
Uploaded Feb 21, 2024
Consejo Asesor de Padres del Estado de Texas actuarán como panelistas para compartir algunas
de sus historias de éxito y consejos sobre cómo aumentar la participación de los padres.
This session is aimed at migratory parents and will be held in Spanish. Members of the Texas State
Parent Advisory Council will serve as panelists to share some of their success stories and tips on
how to increase parent involvement.